New Church Plant!
Church planting is in The Angel Church's DNA. We are thrilled to be working alongside Grace Baptist Partnership and Church Growth Trust to be planting a new Christian witness near Braintree Village in Braintree, Essex. Your prayerful support is valued!
Day to Day
There are many opportunities to plug into life with The Angel Church
Sunday Prayer time and fellowship - 10 am
Sunday Christian worship - 11 am
Monday - Toddler group- 10.30 am
Tuesday - 7 pm midweek meeting (bi weekly small group and bi weekly Church History course - other small groups as announced)
Wednesday - 10 am-4.30 for Food bank, volunteering, and homeless help
Thursday evening - Evangelism (contact for details)
Friday evening - Braintree Village Church meeting - 6.30pm
Other meetings, training opportunities, and fellowship opportunities regularly announced!

Give to our work
We regularly receive requests from visitors and others for donation details. We don't pass an offering plate or bag around, but desire to encourage people to give freely and generously as God guides. With that in mind here are our bank details:
CAF BANK / THE ANGEL CHURCH / 00030568 / SC 40-52-40
For a Gift Aid form email.